Monday, 25 April 2011


There are moments in your life,

When you feel like nothing ain’t right.

You feel like falling apart and never standing up again,

Your soul, your heart becomes blinded by pain.

And there you cry and cry……….shedding so many tears,

Thinking that you’ll never be the same for many years.

There are times when feel so lost,

When you feel like the dried, torn petals of the crimson rose.

You wanna spit your feelings out,

You wanna scream and shout.

But you don’t find anyone to share your feelings with,

You feel so down that you think about getting over with……

No matter how many times you say,

That this is life….It’s gotta be this way.

And even though you know it’s just a cliché,

You still feel like believing that tomorrow’s gotta be better day…

This is the rule of life and as time flows by,

You learn to be you and so you accept life…..

So I close my eyes and let the tears fall,

Cuz I know dat I haven’t yet lost it all.

The flame of hope still burns within me,

Helping me to stand strong and elude my soul’s deformity.

I gotta hold myself together for the ones I love,

Cuz if I’m broken than who’ll hold them when they fall apart?

And so I go on and on……

Hiding my wounds and feigning that I’m strong…..

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