“Just like the deep blue ocean is my life,
I know that you can just see water all the time.
The reflected blue bed camouflages the inner beauty,
Hiding the colorful world full of equanimity.
Each wave brings in a new aspect of life.
Storms occur on the surface but underneath lies,
Enigmatic beauties, astounding secrets and esoteric concoction of discrete emotions.
The only way to fathom this life is to explore the deep floors of this beautiful ocean.”
The sound of the loud thunder made me halt and abandon writing further. A shower of rain soon followed and so I got up to shut the windows. I was about to shut it when my wandering eyes fell on the huge verdant playground nearby. Through the window, I watched a beautiful scene which inundated my heart and made me nostalgic.
A handful of teenage boys were playing soccer in the rain. They were teasing each other, laughing at their own mischief, splashing the muddy puddles and inanely singing nursery rhymes with croaked voices. Not far away from them, there was a group of giggling teenage girls wet from head to toe and they were dancing in the rain and singing that old beloved Vitamin C’s song, “As we go on we’ll remember all the times we had together, And that’s our last change from whatever, we will still be friends forever.”
A group of kids surrounded them. The sound of their laughter reached my ears and teemed my heart with yearnings to go back to my childhood.
Childhood is the inevitable phase which we all go through. For some, childhood holds bitter memories and for some, childhood is the most beautiful era of life. Childhood is the period that shapes our perspective of the world, of the life and makes us cognizant of our milieu. It teaches us to dream but not to stay riveted on the ground when our dreams shatter. This is the time when we meet new people, find compatible friends, and laugh at our own inane deeds, learn to define love, friendship and become acquainted with jealousy, sharing and caring. Childhood is the most significant part of us, albeit this is the first step of our life and the only step whose inception is innocent and beautiful.
The scene outside the window is very significant to me. In the rush of our life, we always forget how it once felt to be callow, blight and to be an emancipated bird. Our career, our responsibilities and the news of wars and all the other unspeakable crimes proselytizes us into a cynical human being, making us assert that the world is no more beautiful and it has become devoid of love, innocence and friendship.
That was what I had become till I witnessed this scene. The innocence of childhood, the rejuvenations of love, and the beauty of friendship-was all reflected there. It made me realize that after all we still have some hope for this world, whose unattended corners are eclipsed with wars and sorrows. Where families are torn apart, childhood is tainted with revenge, hatred and suspicion, where a whole nation is falling apart because the people are fighting each other.
If we can only work a bit harder, then I’m sure we will be able to save many childhoods being rent apart from their beautiful innocence and replenish this earth with love, friendship, trust and peace. We can save the flickering flame of hope from being extinguished completely in the hearts of people and make them believe that life is still beautiful like the deep blue ocean.
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